How can I get more light/sparkle in my eyes?

My eyes are dull and theres not much light or sparkle in them? Im thinking it’s more spiritual than physical. How can I get the light back in my eyes? Xx

Answer #1

lens will help

Answer #2

when you smile even though your not happy, your mood catches up with your face expression and them you get a happy bright, sparkle, look to your eyes

Answer #3

on the scientific side,eyes twinkle when they are extremly hydrated so I recommend you buy some eye drops like otex or something.

Answer #4

Do some anonymous good deeds…feel good from the inside out…


Answer #5

thank you for your answers. think I will try eye drops to start with as there really sore at the moment too.

Answer #6

People’s eyes usually shine and sparkle when they’re happy. Just do what makes you happy :)

Answer #7

maybe shine a torch into them? or ask the ghosts to magic you some glitter?

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