Help with my girl

It probably will be a very long time before I have sex with my girlfriend, but we are both virgins. She is so afraid that it is going to be too painful to have sex. I told her it would hurt, but pleasure would overwhelm it. Was I wrong about that? I just don’t want her to be dissapointed. I love her very much.

Answer #1

The pain is not unbearable, and it only lasts a few minutes…there’s really nothing to be afraid of - as a matter of fact, some women have very little to no pain at all.

Sex between two people who love each other is an incredible thing…it’s not just physical, it’s also very emotional and creates a bond that is unique to those two people.

The first time may not be quite so physically enjoyable, seeing as you’re both inexperienced…but with time you learn how to please each other and the act becomes natural.

Patience, tenderness and time…she’ll be just fine :)

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