Better relationship with parents?

Hmmm.. im not very close to my parents anymore at all and it kills them inside to see how I act and I dont wanna act liuke I do I have a really bad attitude tords them and thats what they dont like and I don’t know how to change it… I want to be close to my parents bc I love them so much but its hard bc I I think I can have w/e I want but thatsd not true and I hate thinking that so can someone help me out on getting a better relationship with my parents???

Answer #1

talk to them about it. try to figure out why you have such and attitude towards them. what have they done to you to make you show them anger

Answer #2

Talk about it - do whatever it takes to get it resolved - none of will be around forever…I wish you the best !!

Answer #3

Well, I’m not an expert but I’ll try my best to give you reasonable ‘advice’.

  1. Try not to hang out with your friends everyday of the week or so, just stay home or volunteer to go on a car ride with your parents whereever they may be going. Basically, try to be near them.
  2. Communicate often, even if it doesn’t look it, ask your mother or father if they need help with anything during some home project or getting something from the car. Tell your mother she looks nice on days when you know she’s gone out of her way to do something for someone, and/or ask your father (or mother) if they’d like you to buy them anything on your way out during time with friends. At least they’d know you are thinking of them.
  3. Dress appropriately, or to their liking. Especially on warm days when all you’ve got to do is wear blue jeans and a nice t-shirt.
  4. Chores…always chores…do the chores often to lend a helping hand becuase even you understand that as you grow older, your parents grow even older becuase to be truthful they’ve spent all their young years taking care of you and soon they will need your aid
  5. Modern technology…to me, every parent should know how to use a cellphone or a computer and you will definately be involved with your parents more if you take a little time to teach them the fun things you do on the internet (nothing to personal). You will have a laugh at any funny expressions they make or just by what they ask (if not already experts at the computer etc.) so try your best (not too hard).
  6. Lastly, I would suggest asking your parents if they’d share a story of their past with you. I know from experience that they may stretch it out and take hours for one plot, but if you really want a better relationship with your parents, I’d suggest making some coffee, buying a E-Z chair and bringing along a pillow :) I hope you either take some of these into consideration or if all, find them helpful. I hope I can help you more in the future :D (it was giving my personal answers).
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