Should I wait to swim after dying my hair?

if i dye my hair but i have swiming the next week should i swim or should i wait for a day, month or so about how many?

Answer #1

I would leave it for a bit because your hair could actually turn green or even grey leave it for at least a week or maybe two weeks, it could damage your hair.. Good Luck

Answer #2


I would say wait about 2 weeks, no longer unless your hair is very damaged from over-dying. If your hair is healthy and moist, a couple weeks should be plenty of time.

Good luck!

Answer #3

just go swimming it seriously does nothing! I do and I swim every second day!

Answer #4

well ive been colourin my nhair for years and gone swimmin the next day, so aslong as ur not goin bleach blonde then you’ll be fine! x

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