guilty after masterbation.

I am a 16 year old female. I masterbate on a regular basis, but always after finishing, I feel really guilty and gross. how can I stop feeling like this?

Answer #1

sweetheart…I’m 42 years old woman and I’m here to tell you that masterbation is a ‘very’ natural and normal practice…it let’s us discover more about our own bodies and what we would our partners to do to us/with us at a later date…it’s nothing to be ashamed about or guilty…sfter studies some 85% of the world’s population masterbate…remember we’re only human and we all have needs…if you have any questions ask your doctor (a female one would give you a more positive response), or go see a gynacologist…I’m sure they’d be there to help you…no worries, hun…you’re not the only one…:-)

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