Forgiveness and doing good

What will one gain when he or she continue to do good? It is good to forgive one another when your friend or someone offend you,what will be your reward when you forgive your brother or sister?

Answer #1

Jesus commands us to forgive.. if we want to be forgiven. So, it is not just an option, for a Christian, it is a command. He takes it one step further, he says if your brother offend you, 70 x 7, which is 490 times, per day.. and asks for your forgiveness, you are to forgive him.

I think he used this figure, not to be exact, or not meant to follow the letter of the law… but, to show us how important it is to him, that we do this.

Sometimes it is very hard to forgive, when the offense is great… however, if we commit it to him, and ask for his help, he will help us to do his will. He enables us and empowers us thru his spirit to do what we couldn’t otherwise do on our own, and in our own power.

If we harbor unforgiveness, then, we are walking in disobedience, and our prayers will be hindered. Disobedience also brings many troubles, that would not otherwise come to us, I believe. It also works in our bodies, allowing sickness to enter.

If we are truly walking in forgiveness, I think we will experience a much greater degree of peace and joy in our lives, than we would otherwise.

Answer #2

Matthew 6: 14&15 will help you but , to get to heaven you have to be saved . you will not get in on good works alone . I will find that verse to show you

Answer #3

When you forgive someone, you let the anger or disappointment go. In letting go, you free yourself of anxiety. Holding on to grudges can make you feel ill, even cause physical problems. Sometimes I have to forgive people just in my thoughts so I can release the negativity from my “self.”

Try it, you will see how light hearted you will feel.

Answer #4

amen silverwings, may the lord bless you, keep it up

Answer #5

If you believe in karma, doing good will bring back good to yourself. Or some people just feel good doing good,

As for forgiveness, theres a study going on in my lab that is researching the benefits of forgiveness… and lets just say that it is better for your own mental health to forgive people…

Answer #6

Well I always forgive a harmful deed. And I don’t do it for some sorta payback effect. I forgive people because it makes me feel better, like a good person. Because I don’t ever want to hold something against someone. I mean, once it’s over, it’s over. It won’t happen again unless it’s out of idiocracy. And as for doing good, I just do it because it makes me feel like a good person. Like I’m not causing problems for anyone, I’m helping, and that makes me something to be proud of.

Answer #7


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