What could it mean if I see my family being killed in my dreams?

When i have scary dreams, it’s usually about someone trying to kill me and usually i see my dad dead or being killed. Sometimes i see my mum, but if i don’t i know that she and my brother are already dead somehow… jw what this could mean.

Answer #1

It could be a warning.

Answer #2

It means that your mad at your family and you feel guilty about it and your subconscious is taking it to an extreme…or…you know it could just be a nightmare, nothing else.

Answer #3

i agree it could possibly be a warning :O

Answer #4

it means you are worried about your familys safety in your subconcious mind, nothing serious nor a warning. so if i were you i wouldnt worry to much =)

Answer #5

I don’t think that it means anathing. Dreams are dreams, they don’t predict reality. You might have been thinking about something that has to do with your family and your brain turned it around and screwed with you.

Answer #6

Depends on your reaction to it. If It’s definitely something you fear which might indicate that you really love your family. Don’t believe too much in what dreams could mean. Might be something you watched on tv. Maybe spend more time with them, you might have an unconscious fear of losing them.

Answer #7

subconscious* not unconscious.

Answer #8

To see and talk with your dead parents in your dreams, represent your fears of losing them or your way of coping with the loss. You are using your dream as a last opportunity to say your final good-byes to them. To see your dead sibling, relative, or friend in your dream, indicates that you miss them and are trying to relive your old experiences you had with them. In trying to keep up with the pace of your daily waking life, your dreams may serve as your only outlet in coping and coming to terms with the loss of a loved one.

That is straight from a site I use a lot to interpret someone else’s dream, even my own.


Answer #9

i use that site a lot too, comes up with interesting stuff, but to be honest i think most of my dreams are to do with stuff from the day before. i can usually relate each part to an event or thought i had before =P

Answer #10

usually these dreams are of someone primarily trying to kill me and a lot of the time others/ my family are killed in the process and i try and direct the killers attention off others and onto me.

Answer #11

There’s really no exact science to interpreting dreams, so there’s really no way to give you a correct answer.

I find that I dream about problems and issues that need solving’ things that really stress me out turn up in my dreams, even if it is in a bizarre way.

A family member of mine was very sick for a while and I remember having some dreams where they were dead or taken from me in some way.

The best I can tell you is that you’re preoccupied with your family and death, for whatever reason.

Unfortunately, you have to be the one to make the connection. But this is a good thing, because maybe now you’ll sit down and deal with something that has truly been bothering you.

Sorry that my answer is so vague, but I just feel like interpreting dream symbols is somewhere along the lines of believing what a fortune cookie tells you.

But please, don’t obsess over the dream. A lot of people take dreams very seriously, but it may really mean nothing.

It’s not a warning that your family is going to die, and it shouldn’t make you paranoid or disrupt your life in any way.

A dream is a dream.

Answer #12

Ohh ok. So what happened the days before you got those scary dreams?

Answer #13

What do you think this mean

Answer #14

check out a dream dictionary sometimes it might surprise you. my favorite one would be dream moods

Answer #15

iono, it’s kinda random and they usually surprise me. They happen spaced out, but i reckon it’s probably cause i watch so many crime shows and i like watching them, but they freak me out lol

Answer #16

It’s just kinda disturbing that i see my dad dead in pretty much all of them and my mum only sometimes and almost never my brother.

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