Extremely dry hair

My hair has become very dry lately. I use finesse shampoo/conditioner every day.

  • I do not blowdry my hair
  • I do not straighten it.

Extreme split ends are also a problem.

These products have never let me down before…

What shall I do to keep my hair healthy?

Answer #1

get a hair cut, and deff. change your shampoo and conditioner

Answer #2

I agree with the above answers - make sure you get regular trims.

To add to that, though, for very dry hair (mine is also very dry) it isn’t necessary to wash it everyday. That may sound gross, but the hair is not oily.

You can also soak the hair in warm olive oil once a week to help nourish it.

Answer #3

Try a trim, and try switching products, sometimes effectiveness wears out after a while…

Answer #4

yeah im with ty on this one

Answer #5

regular trims + try using a different conditioner (:

Answer #6

there is no product that will reverse the damage of split ends and dry hair. the only way to deal with it is to cut the dead parts off. then, after that you should continue to get trims ever 5 or 6 weeks.

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