What drives people insane enough for them to take their own lives?

True story, May 26, 2011. One of my old pal from highschool, he and his girl took there life last nite. Due to religion, his parents did not approve his marriage. He and his girl wrote to everyone they love, when the midnite clock struck 12, they both decided that if they cant have each other in life, maybe they can love each other in the after life. They both jump into the river…..their bodies were discover this morning……….his parents and her parents wept in tears…..only if they knew that their love was that deep…..maybe they would have been alive…………may god bless their souls……….rip Lee

Answer #1

parents in law

Answer #2

whoa… well i guess one of those things that drive people insane in order for them to take their own life would be “love”. wow.. the did that?

Answer #3

i guess love sometimes can be a tragedy rather then a blessing

Answer #4

Your rite…….i guess love can be a curse

Answer #5

Tobehonest, I had not read the further information on your question, yet my answer is very close to the story LOL… Am I that good?

Answer #6

yes, you were rite…….

Answer #7

am feeling for them.

Answer #8

Wow, that’s really sad and deep. horrible. like Romeo & Juliet…

Answer #9

But to kill, idk. it’s not like the old days. Why not just move away together, then to still have eachother.

Answer #10

yeah……..its funny how situations like this can still occur in the 21st century

Answer #11

It really is tragic when somebody takes their own life, they often feel like they have no other choice and they feel like they’ve got nobody else, it’s a real shame when that happens

Answer #12

Ive recover the story…..so sad….they both took medication at river….they died holding each other………overdose……as morning came upon….sheriff discover to dead body in the car…………..they slept as death crept slowly

Answer #13

Lots of things can drive people to kill them selves, according to WHO one person commits kill them selves every 40 secs. I’m extremely sorry for ur friend; if there is a afterlife I am sure they r together and happy. RIP However, i’m surprised to hear this kind of story in the West. I thought it only happened in developing countries like mine. I guess I was naive. My parents and some family members also had to run and go through all drama to get married cause of inter cast and religious differences.

Answer #14

what do you mean by cast

Answer #15

like u know in India and lots of other Asian countries people are separated into cast system… now its is less but its till there. the last name really shows ur cast. higher cast r from a royal cast or warrior cast etc and lower cast are the untouchables etc… if ud like to know more do some research online i could go on forever with this cause i hate, it is racial discrimination of Asia. back then and still in some rural ares there are people considered to be untouchables they can’t enter ur house, touch u, touch ur plate etc.. it really is pathetic. there also have alot of acid attacks on couples marrying intercasts. Google something like caste hate and acid attacks etc ull find out.

Answer #16

oops! spelled it wrong it’s caste lol

Answer #17

dumbest thing i ever heard. seriosuly they have no free will of thier own? Similar thing happened to me( to do with race not religion) i told my mother if u dont like my feince due to his race i dont care, i love him and if love or even respect me as a person you will not chuck a fit about it. If u fdail to love me as ur daughter for marrying him then i dont need you …I said

if they are over 18 they should do what they really want if their love was that deep.

Answer #18

Two things drive a person to that state - sheer desperation, and untainted belief. Using the mentioned case as an example - the couple were desperate because their family would not allow them to be together … imagine the pain of knowing you can’t be with the one person that you love more than anything in the world … life is bleak and painful without them. Factor in the absolute belief that you will go to Heaven when you die (let’s not muck this up with arguments about su!cide being a sin, etc, etc.); knowing this, does it not seem like the better option? Stay alive and miserable, or die and be happy. It’s a sad state, truly … nobody should have so much power over our lives that it drives us to desperate acts such as this.

Answer #19

Wow, that is so sad to hear…we live in 2011 yet so many people still live in the stone age…it’s really sad…I feel for people that still live that way! :(

Answer #20

Such a tragic story where people are so narrow minded on stuff like this…I understand it very well, My cousin fell in love with someone outside her race, got pregnant & was forced to get an ab0rtion because if the rest of the family knew they would all disown her…so she did just that. years later at age 35 she met this guy at another one of our cousin’s house at a xmas party…and once again fell in love with this guy whom was outside her religion…this time her father was no longer present with us & knew her mother would make issues of it. We had to sit with her for months to convince her that if she wanted her daughter to ever get married & be happy she couldnt disown her…he agreed to convert (sort of speak) and they were able to be married…if my parents & I had not convinced her to allow her to marry him she would have disowned her or whom knows how her fate would have wound up. Sad what religion does to people…:( I wouldnt commit su!cide, I would just rather be disowned yet happy with my decision!

Answer #21

I’m very sorry for your loss. And the parents kinda deserve to weep. They were the ones that put them there. They sounded like they were really strict about religion and ive heard about people like that but I’ve never heard about somehting like this. Again Im very sorry.

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