Can my dog have puppies with only three tits?

Can my dog have puppies with only three tits?

Answer #1


Answer #2

To the person above, it is INTERN, not entern..and with all your incorrect spellings, it’s hard to believe that you are in college. If you are, woe to us for our future. lol

Answer #3

I had to ask a friend of mine who collects dogs and she said yes your dog could have babies. She thought it was a very funnty question, I did also. I will say one thing about this site, you sure can learn a lot. Guess you are never too old to teach an “old dog” new tricks!

Answer #4

I am a Vet Entern, In colledge now. So, here is what I know and provideing.

First of all yes, it can.

I dog will have babies no matter what, the bitch will just have to struggle with many puppied and two tits.

Is your dog Pregnant? If it is, once those babies are born (after a amount of time), I would go to the Vet and take them there. Those puppies, if there are some, cannot survive on two tits. A few might starve…

If your dog is not Pregnant, and your just wondering then no problem.

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