Does this make Sense?

A lot of people on this site have been saying stuff like,’There seem to be more Muslim extremists out there and every terrorist is a Muslim’.

 I found this article.Does it change your opinion or smthin?It makes sense 2 me.

V iolence by extremist Christians in the United States has been responsible for attacks on Jewish centers, attempts to poison municipal water supplies, bombing of abortion clinics, and shooting of abortion providers. Timothy McVeigh’s bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City during 1995 killed 168 people, including 19 children. It showed that extremist Christians can be as deadly as their extremist Islamic counterparts.

There is a substantial number of organizations that are closely involved with actual terrorists. The members of these organizations are convinced that the forces of truth wage a perennial, cosmic battle with the forces of falsehood, and that they face the challenge of protecting Christian truth by any methods available. That they are allowing Jesus’ cross to become Mithras’ sword does not occur to them. There are fewer attacks by extremist Christians than by Muslim terrorists because the various Christian organizations are less numerous, their individual agendas differ, and there is a lack of cooperation – their actions are not coordinated.

Answer #1

Many of the great terrorist activities have involved christians.Whenever someone has a grudge against someone,they’ll do anything to degrade them and their nationality along with their religion.

Answer #2

All religions are equally insane. Don’t tell me they’re not cults. That’s how Christianity probably got started, some dude named Jesus got people believing he’s god’s son, just like cult leaders today get people to believe in them, but people back then were a lot more gullible, so that’s probably why it was widely accepted.

Answer #3

can you confirm that ALL of the said attacks were done by muslims?

the muslim faith in its original form is surprisingly like christianity these muslim extremists are interpreting the faith their own twisted way christians have [ allegedly ] been responsible for tons of horrid crimes

Answer #4


I love how you just point out the one’s that are not done by Christians, when in all actuality is someone would do their research you would see that Christians have been responsible for many more deaths.

Answer #5

The vast majority of people are not terrorists regardless of religion. I have not gathered up statistics of terrorist actions in say the past 20 years, but if I did, I think Muslims would be overrepresented.

Answer #6

Yes, how dare those Christians launch those murderous attacks on innocents at the twin towers, hijacking airliners, Marine Beruit barracks, USS Cole, Bali, Bombay, Spain, Philippines, London, many more I’ll list later, etc - the Christian attacks over the past 20 years…what’s their problem - how dare they !!

Answer #7

I already knew that one - look back in historyand look at all the deaths that Christians have caused. It’s insane.

Answer #8

amblessed: you forgot Oklahoma.

:) Just saying, until 9/11, the largest terrorist attack in the US was done by a Christian, and an American…

You know, if we’re going to be “representing” let’s be fair. And, if you really want to get “fair” you have to include the millions of blacks (slavery) and the millions of native americans (you know, who’s land was stolen while they were enslaved & slaughtered) and lay those deaths at the feet of the Christians…

so, just saying: it really depends on how deep into history you want to go. While the muslims ruled Spain, they were a LOT more tolerant than the Catholics who regained control & did the whole inquisition thing…let’s be fair here: very few (if any) religions have gained followers without the use of violence, war, repression and bloodshed.

Answer #9

It’s interesting that the Oklahoma City bombing comes up. Conspiracy theorists believe McVeigh was working with white Christian extremists at Elohim City, while Terry Nichols was working with Islamic jihadists in the Philippines during his numerous trips there…interesting stuff.

Anyway, Islamic extremists who commit acts of terrorism are overrepresented in the West because we are their primary target, and the subject of their strong language and warnings. However, the Tamil Tigers, a Tamil extremist group in Sri Lanka, actually had committed the highest number of suicide attacks as of a couple years ago. No one in America or the West cares about the Tamil Tigers because, well, we aren’t their target.

There are Hindu terrorist groups attacking Muslims in India, and Jewish terrorists who attack Muslims in Israel and Palestine. There are Christian terrorist groups in Africa who kidnap Muslims and, who fight each other. As others have pointed out, you can be as selective as you want in your discussion of terrorism, but the reality is, all religious have bred their fair share of whackos.

Answer #10

Yea to say all muslims are terrorist is stupid and only furthers hate. Its only reasonable to judge people buy their actions not their believes. Racism, sexism, religious intolerance. These things are the problem, not the solution. These terrorist could have come from any religious back ground with an intolerance towards anything we have or do in the states.

Yes Christians have their own history of violence. In my opinion, and I know I’ll get hit for this, if religion didn’t exist a lot of wars, terrorist, hate, ect… Would not be near as big of a problem as it is today. Just look at Israel and the Gazas strip. If there was no religion there would be no holy land and the strip wouldn’t be as big of a deal.

Answer #11

Yes, how dare those Christians launch those murderous attacks on innocents at the twin towers, hijacking airliners, Marine Beruit barracks, USS Cole, Bali, Bombay, Spain, Philippines, London, many more I’ll list later, etc - the Christian attacks over the past 20 years…what’s their problem - how dare they !!

 You have issues,ma'am.Serious issues.
Answer #12

my Uncle Ron, he almost died in the OKC bombing. he was actualy late to get to his appointment. ive seen picturs o that, is insane. Poeple are just fuc.ked up, twisted points of view and lies theyve been told, they believe in the craziest shi.t.

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