Does dark blonde hair look nice with black eyebrows?

Hi, I’ve got naturally thick black eyebrows and dark blond hair with green eyes. Would dark hair make a better combination for me? Im kinda doubting it, since I’ve never painted my hair before.

Answer #1

mkayy thick eye brows not attractive have you tryed waxing that saved my life and now my eye brows are gorgouse

If you dont wanna get em waxed try dying your hair blong with alot if dark brown little streaks then color your eye brows blond it will work great hope i helped gurlie

                        Katrina Bbrown
Answer #2

i think your brows look great. i woudnt call them black though. your hair looks fine with them.

Answer #3

uuuh if u dont like ur eyebrows u could cut u some bangs if u dont wana get ur eyeborws waxed… and ur hair is cool to me keep the hair!!! if u wana go emo keep the dark eyebrows and dye ur haie black…lol just kidding !!! :)

Answer #4

If that’s your picture attached to your profile, then keep your hair the same color. Just wax your eyebrows so they don’t get too bushy. You look beautiful!

Answer #5

some people can pull it off (from your photo it seems you can), and some can’t.

In my opinon, you don’t need to change!

Answer #6

The hair colour you’ve got and the eyebrows are a very nice looking combination, and its a very ‘in’ look. Wax your eyebrows if you wish, but they look fine to me. Given that you’ve got light coloured eyes, a darker hair colour is more likely to make you look angrier or broodier. You look great as you are, in my opinion - dont change!

Answer #7

hey ok I think defo do not dye your hair a darker colour!! put highlights in your hair!!:) dark eyebrows and blonde hair is actually nicer than all boring one colour!!. . . . I just realised this myself because I felt exactly the same way 5 mins ago because I`m gettin highlights tomorrow!!… so do not dye your hair!! put highlights in!! :):) this is me with light hair in the photo!!:):)[X]

Answer #8


 You're already pretty. it doesn't matter what matches what. All are natural. And you know what. you're beautiful.
Answer #9

well dark hair looks good with dark eyebrows. so i guess so…

Answer #10

well its all natural…most pplz eyebrow colour matches there hair when there born wif it…as one of the otha pplz commented u can wax ur eyebrows if u want but ur hair colour n eyebrow colour lk fine 2 me…i have brown hair n blue eyes while the main combo iz blonde hair n blue eyes…im nt going 2 change my hair colour bcoz mi eyes arent the common colour 4 mi brown hair. I havent died my hair either but im 16 and dont plan to. good luk wif wat eva decision u make! xoxo

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