Do pets go to Heaven?

do you beleive pets go to heaven?

Answer #1

There are near death experience books, where children who have almost “died” have seen old pets waiting for them…

I dont know if thats true.. but I have read it.

I believe anything with a soul can go to heaven.. Animals have souls! They are living…!

Answer #2

my parakeets are staring at me while I write this, especially lala. he lost his mate a week ago – mrs. yellowbird I miss her so much! I know she’s in heaven flying around eating seeds with all the other birdies and talking to the other animals. She was 10 years old when she died I loved how affectionate she was … ah now your going to make me cry :(

Answer #3

The Holy Bible is clear that there are animals in Heaven. Now to say that all go there, I can not. Some, if not most, will be on the new Earth. As for the person that said “there is no Heaven”. I can tell you that for them there very well may not be.

Answer #4

If you’re unsure if it’s true or not, look for the poem Rainbow Bridge and it will tell you all about pets meeting their owners in the afterlife. It’s quite a nice poem which should have a positive effect on most people. =o)

Answer #5

I went to Pet Heaven once. Four years ago I was technically dead for two minutes and they sent me back because I somehow had accidentally ended up in Pet Heaven instead of People Heaven. I was pretty neat.

Answer #6

No, They are not people. People go to heven… And people go to hell… Do you think pets go to hell? Come on now? My dog is down there with the devil.

Answer #7

I like believing that they do…I mean, why would I want to go to heaven, if there aren’t any dogs or horses?? Only people…YIKES…that’d be hell.


Answer #8

pets cant sin it says it in the bible somewhere so because( they dont sin) they go to heaven…but heaven has to be huge there are more pets than people… thats another question

Answer #9

Well, I believe in “Pet Heaven”. This is a place where pets (who have absorbed some of the energy from their former owners’ souls) live in peace and happiness. They float around on cherubim wings in a land that smells like the backside of a dead horse mixed with rotting fish (which to pets smells like heaven). There are random butts to sniff everywhere, catnip fields, and hamster wheels that actually go places. There are many splendors for pets in “Pet Heaven” including people that are collared and pamper the pets in whatever way they please (the people are the ones in “Purgatory” who volunteer to break up the boredom of sitting in the eternal waiting room drinking coffee and reading Highlights magazine).

Yes, “Pet Heaven” does exist. And every once in a while, a pet from pet heaven will fly over to “People Heaven” and leave poopies in the paths of angels just for laughs.

Answer #10

No pets (animal companions cmon!) don’t go to Heaven. Human beings go to Heaven but animals do not have the ability to recognize God as who He is, so they cannot. All animals on this Earth cannot move on, nothing from this Earth can go to Heaven or Hell that is not a Human. But there are animals in Heaven, just not animals from here, animals that God made for Heaven and kept there! I know it’s sad, and I can’t be happy knowing that my cat can’t be with me, until the end of the world when Jesus comes down and all animals are back to how they were originally created. The lion laying with the mouse and such.

:’’ ] But I’ll meet her again and I guess I can wait. =^ . ^=

Answer #11

yes. One because they can’t go to hell because they aren’t evil. They were born perfect and they were only turned mean because of the way they were treated. if a dog bited it’s because it is either trying to protect, or because it’s been hurt before. no dog is mean for no reason. my grandma always told me that every animal I ever helped or owned would be waiting for me when I go to heaven, especially dogs because they are the most loyal and will always be waiting for you.

Answer #12

I think they do!

Answer #13

I believe if you’re saved, you’ll be reunited with your Loved Ones (including pet/s).

Answer #14

Well, if you believe in that then yes.

Answer #15

Yes of course

Answer #16

yes, pets do go to HEAVEN!:)

Answer #17

I think that any animals that pass on ( :( ) go to Heaven with people! ( :) )

Answer #18


Answer #19

hmm. so do plants go to heaven?

Answer #20

I think that any animals that pass on ( :( ) go to Heaven with people!

Answer #21

There is no heaven. Ergo, pets cannot go there.

Answer #22

I believe pets go to the same heaven as we do. :)

Answer #23

That is completely subjective to you and your beliefs.

I do not believe pets go to heaven.

Answer #24

Come on now..haven’t ya’ll seen the movie “All dogs go to Heaven”?? :)

Believe whatever makes you happy about your pet.

Answer #25

pets are without sin…so yea they go to heaven

Answer #26

i was once told that they do and i belive people and pets go to a better place but who says its heaven

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