Condom broke after I came, shes on the pill, should I be worried???

Ok, me and my girlfriend had sex, I used a condom, and she has been on the birth control pill tri-sprintec for over 4 months I think, we were having sex and I ejaculated inside the condom but when I went inside of her one last time the condom broke and I know semen got inside of her. And im straight scared. My girlfriend has been very good at taking her pill at the same time every day, so should I be this worried? Please help me.

Answer #1

I was really considering getting plan b. Is it pretty pointless to get if she takes her pill correctly?

Answer #2

She will not be pregnant 99.9% guarenteed.

(If 00.1% scares you, then stop f-ing.)

Answer #3

dont stress she wont be

Answer #4

Birth control pills aren’t 100% effective, but if they’re taken as directed, you don’t have much to worry about. My guess is she isn’t, but if you’re having doubts she can always take a test. :)

Answer #5

The same thing happened to mee. I HIGHLY doubt she’ll be pregnant if shes been taking the pill for 4 months, or close to that. as long as shes been on birth control for more then 2 weeks, your all good.

Answer #6

so I shouldnt worry then? Its just got my head messed up because I’ve been careful and then this happens and its never happened before.

Answer #7

No you shouldnt worry, I mean if you’re going to worry about everything that had a .01% chance of happening you’d go completely insane. Get her to take a test in 4 weeks if it will make you feel better.

Answer #8

ok you really need to breathe. if she’s been taking the pill regularly then I dont even know if they’d give her plan b, I dont know how safe that would be… you could find out from the doctor, call up planned parenthood… for one thing they have more answers, for another, they may be able to make you feel better, a job we dont seem to be doing too well…

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