Chinese tea - does it help loose weight?

Does Oolong tea help in loosing weight?

Well first of all let me explain what Oolong tea is in fact. “A direct translation for Black Dragon, Oolong Tea’s meaning is both mystifying and tempting. No other category of teas includes such a wide range of shapes, colors and aromas.

No other processing technique relies so much on the individual recipes passed down through so many generations. Quite simply, these Chinese tea offers something for everyone, from bold-rich roasted flavors to subtle and mellow floral aromas. Have a look around or email us to learn more!”

Ok, now we know what Oolong tea is, but how can we know that it really works for loosing weight. Well, in terms of the science, a recent study found that Oolong tea does have many health benefits including cancer prevention and weight loss. the catch is that you have to brew 1 - 2 tablespoons of loose leaves in 1 cup of water for five minutes. this makes for a very strong cup of tea.

There is no harm in drinking it. Just make sure its not those “Chinese tea” that may have added additives to it - may have side effects and to me it is not a natural tea.

I have found this 2 Chinese tea online shops: and and I was hopping somebody could give me an advice on what to buy from them.

Thanks, Chris

Answer #1

Thank you so much “frenzy”. I will consider you advice!

Answer #2

how can I loose 100 pounds in 3 months

Answer #3

Most “exotic” teas, like green tea and many others are fibrous and are diuretics, meaning they make you urinate and defecate more. Many also have caffeine, and oolong does. Basically it will make you hyper, as well as poop and pee more than normal. So yes you will probably loose some weight just by cleaning out your colon walls of any impacted or stuck feces. It won’t hurt you to try this diet, and tea is relaxing. You should try and keep your caloric intake around 2000, get regular exercise, drink plenty of water, and you will lose weight fore sure.

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