Caught smoking

My parents found out recently that I started smoking (I’m thirteen). Even though I barely call it an addiction, I had 3 one day from my mum’s packet from total curiousty and from then on I’ve been craving it a lot, but I can cope a couple of days without a fag. Its still extremely weird and awkward around my parents. They act like I’m a stranger. I’ve been in trouble with them for alcohol, smoking weed, and other stuff. I suffer from depression. Its just too weird around them. My mum is extremely paranoid even before I got into trouble with them. Like I go round to my friends house she’d question who I was with. Ask me loads of questions and everything, I’m fed up, I know I’ve ruined their trust but I just want to know, when do you think its all going to be back to normal?

Answer #1

You said you’ve been craving them, that means you have an addiction. It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve done something, you can still be addicted to it. Also, if your going to smoke, atleast have the courtesy to not steal from your parents. If you want to smoke and give yourself lung cancer, find a way to get ciggarettes on your own in the future. It takes time to get your parents trust back, your only 13 and you’ve been busted with drugs and alcohol. That’s a huge disapointment for any parent. You have to EARN their trust back, they dont just give it back to you one day. Do chores around the house without being asked, be nice and courteous to them, don’t argue with them, do NOT steal from them, treat your parents with respect, do NOT get yourself into any more trouble, show them you can be responsible and it will help to earn their trust back. It will take time though.

Answer #2

sadly there not going to trust you…like im 16 and my parents know I smoke…they just dont care you RUINED YOUR LIFE!!!and you lost there trust..

Answer #3

sadly, trust is something VERY EASILY lost, and you have to just bite the bullett, if you want to have their trust, you’re going to have to earn it back. they’re not going to hand it to you on a platter, they did that once and look what happened? (you know it’s true)

ok, snappy bit over, whats wrong hun? why are you doing all these really self-destructive things? you do know that’s what they are, you are activly doing things that will harm you?!?!

smoking weed and alchohol are classic for causing depression, not dealing with it, it may seem like it helps, but the day after or on a come down, it really doesn’t.

this is the crunch point. what do you want to do? do you want to keep dis-illusioning yourself that all these ‘habits’ are helping you and continue with them? or do you want to stop and take more control of your life again?

making your mum trust you again will be like an uphill trck while bolders are rolling down the hill at you, it won’t be easy, but you will get the…in the end!

decide what you want to do, at 13, if I could do things again, I would want to do things properly. I would sit down with my mum, tell her I’d messed up, I got lost along the way, but with her help and support (not lectures, my mum was and is good at lectures!!) but say that you want things to be simple again.

good luck with what ever you decide, but look at your future and think where you want to be, what you would like to be doing, anything is achievable…honestly, may take time, but you can do it…if you REALLY want it… x :)

I think paranoid may be the wrong word for your mum, how about, worried, or concerned or suspicious??? do you think they be more appropriate? paranoid indicates that someone suspects something that isn’t there, maybe your mum saw something coming that you didn’t…honest to god, my mum ALWAYS knew before I did - it’s like mum-dar…it’s like raydar, but more powerful!!!

Answer #4

It’s going to be normal when you stop screwing up. You’re only thirteen, and you’ve already gotten in trouble for drinking, smoking, and drugs. You DO NOT have the right to privacy when it comes to who you’re spending time with and where you are.

Your mother is not unreasonable for asking you tons of questions about where you’re going, because you are 13. You’re a CHILD.

Answer #5

I’ve scene worse if you want their trust back then quit you have years ahead of you and you dont want to mess it up now. Ignore the poeple that said you ruined your life if you want to be a good kid then act like one. Your life your decisions you need to be sure that you now what your doing. Good Luck.

Answer #6

sweetcheeks10051: you need to shut up!

You should go to some classes for your depression, I have heard this before… If you read more, play more, think harder, & study more, you can get over depression. It worked for me, try it.

Answer #7

im 13 too and I dont do those things. so wuts causing you to do them. You said you were depressed but why? The only way you can earn their trust back is to stop doing those things it will take some time but at least your parents will trust u.

Answer #8

When you build a track record like you have - you have to really work hard to earn trust again.

Answer #9

youre an idiot. smoking isnt cool. and youre 13 you dont even know what cool is. wait wait weed, alcohol and cigs? WHAT IN THE WORLD IS WRONG WITH YOU?? youre not treating your body with respect. or your parents. and they deserve it. and so do YOU. so stop and get some help. and act like a normal 13 year old. have fun…dont have the worries someone as young as you shouldnt have

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