Can we say mandate?

George Bush had two very close victories. Neither were clear mandates by the people. The country was very divided after each.

Will people consider this overwhelming landslide victory a mandate for the policies Obama espoused during the campaign?

Answer #1

Change is coming - whether it will be positive or negative we shall see - judge for yourself whether the American people voted ‘Content of his character’ or ‘Color of his skin’ as Dr King stated, it should be the former - right now a lot of people out there think he can do NO wrong, again we’ll see.

Answer #2

oh rickd, still pining over ronnie huh? That was 28 years ago. He is no longer relevant.

A blue state mandate? Really? Obama won NINE states (including NC) that bush won in 2004. Ten if MO goes his way too. An that doesn’t take into account republican dirty tricks.

Becareful, you might get a little dizzy from doing all that spinning.

Answer #3

phrannie, no candidate ever accomplishes everything they promise. If that is the bar you are setting then he will surely fail in your eyes. Why not just see if he can move us in the right direction.

Answer #4

Will people consider this overwhelming landslide victory a mandate for the policies Obama espoused during the campaign?

The People might consider it a “mandate”…now let’s see how well he does on doing what he “promised” to do…or not do…only time will tell.


Answer #5

Ah. I’m surrounded my those people right now. My own family, fiance, and most of my friends feel the same way. They are pissed that he is president for racist reason’s. I’m from south Louisiana, pretty much everyone is pissed off right now.

Answer #6

you’ll have to forgive him mandyloo, he’s mad a black man is president. its going to take a while for him to get over this one. you need a tissue buddy?

Answer #7

Yes, this is a mandate. Not only did Obama win by a landslide, but Republicans got fired nationwide at national , state, and local levels.

I didn’t vote for him, but now that he’s been elected, let’s give him a chance.

Answer #8

amblessed, stop copying and pasting the same answer in every political question. You are not answering anything at all with that answer. Geez.

Answer #9

phrannie, no candidate ever accomplishes everything they promise. If that is the bar you are setting then he will surely fail in your eyes. Why not just see if he can move us in the right direction

Wow, what a news flash!!! Duh… What I’m particularily interested in, the the “tax situation” that you obviously believed, you spouted it often enough…(maybe you didn’t and were just spouting??)

Will that $225K “rich people tax” reach all the way down to include the “also rich” making $30.000 year??

People voted for the money…be it same taxes, lower taxes…or freebie money…


Answer #10

“I’ve got to say, this has been one of the craziest elections I’ve seen. anyway, there was a racism pattern (I saw it, at least where I live). my neighbors, who are black, immediatley supported Obama from the first day they found out he was in the election. now, not everyone is like that, but there is a majority.”

Are you actually saying that because your black neighbors supported Obama from the beginning that that somehow makes them racist? I really don’t get that?

Answer #11

I’ve got to say, this has been one of the craziest elections I’ve seen. anyway, there was a racism pattern (I saw it, at least where I live). my neighbors, who are black, immediatley supported Obama from the first day they found out he was in the election. now, not everyone is like that, but there is a majority. I think it was because they saw it as something new; a trend. all I know is that Obama won, and now we have to wait and see what steps he’s going to take to put thhis broken country back together.

Answer #12

I said earlier in the year that in order to get most of his agenda through, Obama will require something similar to what FDR had in the 1930’s at all levels of government and across society. I think he’s got something very close to that kind of coalition. So, much of what he advocated during his campaign could become policy, if not exactly as he described.

Answer #13

amblessed, what makes you think people only voted for him based on the color of his skin?

Answer #14

the racism is Louisiana is so wide spread, im sure the majority of white people in the state are mad right now. I now a there are a lot of pissed off white people in my state (Texas)

Answer #15

I’m for Obama. I’ve stated so in a ton of post on here today. I think he has the right ideas for the most part. I dont like some of them, but I agree with him more than I agree with McCain.

Answer #16

“What I’m particularily interested in, the the “tax situation” that you obviously believed”

And do you have some information we don’t know about that shows why we shouldn’t believe him? Or are you just speculating based on nothing but your own ideology?

People did not vote for money. They voted for a new direction for the country. You are being extremely myopic if you think it was solely about personal gain.

According to exit polls, those with incomes over 200k voted for Obama 52% to 46%. Were they voting for money?

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