Can my stepson move out at 13?

my hubby and I have been married for 8 years we just got his 13 year old son and my step son out of a mental hospital he has mood disorder. and he wanted to go live with his real mom and my hubby has custody of him and she has custody of the 12 year old she let the 12 year old move in with us and than made him move home but she took the 13 year old with her so what is the legal age for a minor to move out

Answer #1

I hope your not wanting to get rid of him because he is hard to deal with, your hubby has a obligation to his son you kmow, and you need to support that as well,dontt push tis kid away to make things easy for you,

Answer #2

Dear help_me222223, I’m a bit confused…she has taken the boy 13 with her and left behind a 12 year old then took back the 12 year old? Hmmm…it’s no wonder there is issues. You need to go to court and settle custody. If the father has full custody, he is obligated to have the children. If the mother has full custody she is obligated. If they both wish to make changes they must go to court. A child is able to move from the home at 16…if the parents kick them out and refuse them they are obligated to pay for their expenses till 18. That would mean room, board and expenses. If the family is on assistance and the child is no longer welcome in the home the child at 16 can also be on assistance but must go to school, counselling etc. each and every day or face being cut off. These are Canadian laws. Sue…good luck

Answer #3

Legal age is 18. && Yes, he can get emancipated, but he must be able to financially support himself && must be able to prove that to a judge in order to get emancipated. Now considering that your husband has custody of him, If your husband is WILLING to let him go live with his mother then it is legally okay for him to go live with his mother, thats ONLY as long as his custodial parent allows him to!! Which you probably won’t have a problem with all that! lol I lived with my grandparents for years, they had custody of me, && when I wanted to go live with my mother they willingly allowed me to, you don’t have to go to court or go through any kind of process to let him go.

Answer #4

the legal age is 18. But if he can get the court to believe that he is being abused or being takenadvantage of financialy or emotionaly. And if the court thinks he is better off alone thatn he can be emancipated and get the right to move out of his home even if he is under 18. Then all you have to do is pay him money on a m,onthly basis unless he makes enough to support himself. any more questions funmail me.

Answer #5

16 if you sign the papers poor babe you know how hard this must be for him

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