Is Buddhism as sexist as other religions?

I am making this general statement (I know you get your exceptions), but in most mainstream religions, woman aren’t allowed to be priests are expected to be subordinate to their men and for example in the Hindu religion woman aren’t allowed to enter the temple while on their period. What I would like to know is whether there are limitations for woman in the buddhism belief/religion as well and if there is what are they?

Answer #1

Well, there are no “priests” in Buddhism, there are Monks and Nuns. While we may have differing titles based on sex, they both hold the same level of respect (and I say “respect” because “authority” is not a Buddhist concept). Anything a man can do, a woman can do.

Answer #2

Thank you, I recently visited a Buddhist temple and was contemplating joining the religion, however I don’t feel that I have the energy to put my energy into anything right now. And I definitely don’t want to join anything that discriminates against me because of my sex.

Answer #3

No practice limit for women. You don’ t need anyone to approve your practice. Progress of enlightenment depends on yourselves.

However, Buddhist monks are forbidden to touch or intimate with female. It’s very inappropriate to stay alone with female. That’s why you may see more male followers having better access to monks for guidance. Now there are a lot of books and material available online. They should not be problem though.

Answer #4

Hinduism spawned Buddhism, one of the Great Religions of the world. The relation between Hinduism and what is called Buddhism at the present day is nearly the same as between Judaism and Christianity. Shakya Muni was a Hindu. The only difference lies here the Hindus have accepted Shakya Muni as God and worship him. A woman is equally respect Hinduism as they are in Buddhism. Buddhism is the fulfillment of Hinduism.

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