boyfriend spending the night?

hey!! ok well I have been going out with this guy for a week..ya not that long but…we were talking and I want to ask my dad if he can spend the night sometime. He is 13 and im 14 and its not like we are gonna have sex or anything we just want to hang out and like watch a movie or something. Do you think that maybe it is to soon? If not how should I ask my dad???

Answer #1

hey i remember when i asked my dad if my b/f could spend the night well he didn’t know we were even dating but yeh it was my 17th b-day and i just told him that i know this guy and i really wanted him to be there and he’d have to spend the night. well at first what i would do if i was you is i would tell my dad i have a question for him and i like to ask him but ask when he has the time to sit down and listen. when he gives you the time tell him that you have been seeing this guy and you know it’s only been a week but you would like him to sleep over tell him that you are not going to have sex but you would like to spend the weekend with him tell your dad that your planning on seeing a movie or going out for lunch or what your going to do. also tell him that you have no problem with him sleeping in another room if it makes your dad more comfortable. honestly it’s a lil too soon to sleep with a guy if you have only dating for a week you are still getting to know eachother but tell you dad that too and tell him that having him spend a weekend over would be a great way for him to not only meet this guy and get to know him but it’s a better way for you two to build the realtionship and spend more quality time together to get to know eachother. tell your dad that if it makes him feel better that you have no problem if he’s around to kind of chaparone the two of you to make him see that your not planning on sleeping with him. if your scared your dad might say no then it’s probably because you think he’s scared that you may sleep with him you need to reasure him of everything you have planned and ask him how he would feel if your boyfriend slept in another room or on the couch. well i hope everything works out for the two of you and if you have anymore questions you can always email me at my name is katie. well best of luck and hope things work out for you.

Answer #2

Well it doesn’t sound like that’s going to work, i don’t think your dad is going to respond to your question like you would like, and i think you should wait for that kind of thing… i would just settle for hanging out with him at the mall, beach, movies etc..


Answer #3

Not only is it too soon for him to be staying the night but it’s too soon because you’re both really young. I mean yeah, you would definitly need to ask you parent/guardian, whoever that is but I highly doubt that if your father has a brain that he’s going to let his 14 year old daughter have her boyfriend stay the night.

Answer #4

It is def to soon for this, you are very young to have a bf let alone ask your dad for him to sleep over, where exactly is he going to sleep? i hope your not thinking your dad will agree to him sleeping in your room with you! becos he’ll not only say no, but his trust for you will be rocky becos you shouldnt be asking this of him, you have only been going out for 1 week and shouldnt take advantage of your dads home to have a boy stay over.

Answer #5

hey….well im 15 and i stay the night with my boyfriend atleast once or twice a week because we both have school, but i have also been dating him for 5 months. I think that one week is kinda soon to be having him stay the night. its your choice though. dont do anything you would regret later in life, because when and if you guys brake up i know youll regret it because i did something stupid when i was 13 and i regreted it alot. i was so ashamed of myself. also, it depends on how cool your dad is, because at 14 yeah its kinda young but i cant really talk cause i stayed with my boyfriend when i was 14, but also my parents didnt know. so ywah. and also think about what the boys parents might think, since he is only 13….hope this helps. if you need to ask something more just write me…bye..

Answer #6

Well….the question is…how would this boy’s parents think about you asking him to spend the night???? May not make you or your family look very prim and proper..ya know… Now if his family knows yours….and they knew he would be sleeping in the guest room and knew, and trusted your parents to keep things proper….it may be a go….but It really is not setting a good new family rule in the house for the future….might sound cute now but some day you may ask with confiedence to have your 15 year old boyfriend spending the nite with approval from your Dad……..most people meaning parents would say NO!!! That is not too cute with proper parents.

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