Border collies chasing cars

I have a 16 week old border collie, and I walk her along a fairly quiet road outside my house, when I car comes past she goes loony and pulls on her lead to try and chase the car. its really scary, and im scared she will one day be killed by a car. I know its because her chase drive is really high, and I do short sharp tugs on her lead. I try to get her to sit down when a car comes, I praise her like mad when she ignores them, but she is chasing more cares that she is leaving. I go to obediance classes with her, and she is in the early stages or learning the heel command. she’ll do it perfectly when there are no cars, but all her training goes out of the window! please help me! im really worried, thankyou xx

Answer #1

I Love Border Collies - I’ve seen numerous solutions, here’s one: To crack down on this practice, you must negate the benefits of the hunt. Chasing vehicles is mostly done by canines that have free reign of the whole property and don’t see many vehicles a number of options here:

Take care !!

Answer #2

sounds like you are doing a great job, the only thing I would add is when a car goes past and she wants to chase it , is turn around and start walking the other way.

I have a Aussie and he use to do the same thing and pull when we walked, I would turn around and walk the other way, I looked like a goof pacing back and forth and did not get anywhere on our walk but it worked, he does not pull me and when a car goes by, I stop and he lays down and we don’t walk again until the car is past us

Answer #3

Ok…you’re doing exactly what you need to do…making her sit till the car passes…Right NOW, she’s “looning up” over more cars, than she can let go…but remember it’s consistancy…and when it comes to over-riding instinct (her natural prey drive), and obessession (it seems every dog has one)…everything takes LONGER. Don’t loose your temper, just keep on putting her in the sit. 60 days from now, you’ll think…”WOW, she’s hit the 50/50 place “… at 90 days “WOW, she only paid attention to 3 cars”…etc etc. These doggie obsessions seem SO HUGE when they are happening, yet they fade away (and I truly mean “fade away”…there is never a moment with the light SUDDENLY seems to go on)…then bingo, you’re saying to yourself…”remember when she…”

You’re doing fine…just keep doing it!! :)


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