blind hamster

I just recently purchased a hamster from my local pet store. he is white and black (like a cow except without the legs and size and nose and ears and stuff along those lines.) I feed him fresh fruits and vegetables until he is full all the time! I also give him dry hamster food and these yogurt drops that my friend had that are for rat like animals, however I do not think that it was a good idea for me to eat one because the result was a near puke experience so anywho back to the topic my hamster seems to fall out of his cage when I accidentally leave his door open for the night, and this has led me to believe that he in fact can not see out of this door and can only smell the cheese I leave on my floor before bed (swiss) however I am still not sure if he enjoys the variety of swiss,, he seems to enjoy mozzarella. okay so my main question I am trying to pop here is are there any ways of deciphering if my hamster is in fact blind?? maybe some kind of test I can preform??by the way if it helps his name is Tatiana (after the girl on american idol)

Answer #1

Why would you leave his door open in a place where he might fall?? I doubt he is blind, but in the dark his depth perception might be off…like he can’t see that there is a great distance between himself and the floor…put his cage in a safer place and quit tempting to kill himself.


Answer #2

First off, you probably shouldnt leave his cage open. And if he smells cheese, he’s probably going to leave the cage to go find it. Also, if it’s night (as you said) and the lights are off, he’s probably not going to be able to see, so he’ll use his sense of smell to find the cheese. Also, get a new name! If you were a boy, would you like to be named Tulip? or Elizabeth? Rename the poor little thing. Like Fred or Charlie. :)

Answer #3

Love animals, had a hamster several years ago, slept laying on my lap while I studied for nursing school. He passed away, his name was Fluffy!! Anyway, my point! Hard to tell with little guys. Love the hamster, colors are fine—change its name please. And cow was colors are cute. Can’t stand Tatiana!! Love the hamsters!! Please change its name!!

CAN’T STAND TATIANA!!! Love the hamsters!!

Answer #4

by the way his cage is on the floor.. not a far drop

Answer #5

well, besides having a tendency to wax poetic about tatiana, (who apparently is a male hamster with a female name,) I think you’re a little daft. why would you leave a hamster door open and cheese on the ground? along those lines, why would you be surprised that he would kamikaze jump out of the cage to get the cheese? and why would you assume his sight is lacking? I think it’s because your hamster has a brain the size of a snow pea, (roughly 2/3 to 3/4 the size of your own brain,) and cannot rationalize that the fall would be such that it might hurt his little non-cowlike legs. my suggestion is to stop torturing poor tatiana. give the guy a decent name. try something masculine, like jaguar paw, or thor. close his cage at night. and stop leaving cheese on the floor; that’s retarded. good luck with that. your hamster’s not blind, it’s just slow…like it’s owner. live the dream.

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