Can a ban be put on fireworks?

Is it possible to get a ban on fireworks? I would like to know, because after reading that article, I’d like to see a huge action being done world wide. So I don’t have to read stories like that. Teenagers put firecracks in a dog’s mouth and taped it shut. Blew it’s jaw right off, the vets had no choice but to put it out of it’s misery. I don’t wanna read any more stories like these, and I think we can prevent even STOP this if we put a ban on firework purchasing. Or raise the age, that if you are not 21 years or older you cannot purchase fireworks no matter how big or small. And that you can only purchase fireworks one week prior to 4th of July (Independence Day) not the day after or the next day after. Or can be purchased buy wedding planners or professional birthday even people if it’s for another day of the year. Is this possible?

Answer #1

Where I live fireworks are illegal for anyone to purchase. Only companies that specialise in New Year’s Eve celebrations and whatnot can get access to legal fireworks. But that doesn’t stop immature people from purchasing them illegally. I know you’d like a worldwide ban on irresponsible people having access to them but the world doesn’t work like that. A lot of countries aren’t going to introduce that law simply because it would cause an outbreak in illegal purchasing leading to a further rise in reckless behaviour involving fireworks or, they just don’t care. It would be great if people like that didn’t exist but they do. They also will get access to firecrackers and other dangerous things whether they’re legal or not.

Answer #2

I know but it would great if we could slow them down and prevent crimes like that. What a sad world we live in. I wish I could make up my own eurphoria, so I could live there. Sadly wishes aren’t real.

Answer #3

A “ban” can be put on for practically anything, if you have a good case and an extremely high following.

Answer #4

I don’t believe additional laws, restrictions, or bans on items take the place of proper parenting (and in these kids cases maybe animal cruelty charges and psychiatric help).

Answer #5

new year comes one a year , y put ban on celebrations

Answer #6

There are areas that ban the use of fireworks….but even if the world could get together on anything in agreement and banned it (not likely) someone would find a way to make and sell it. The problem isn’t the explosives as much as who’s hands and the mentality of the user. Lot’s of sick humans in this world, unfortunately.

Answer #7

We should put ban on cars too. Cars kill animals for more often than fire crackers do. We cannot go around banning everything we dont like, or that causes problems in the wrong hands. That is called a “nanny State”, and it is counter productive. What we need are PARENTS parenting, and communities helping eachother. Dont watch the news. It works for me. :)

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