Any 8th graders

Hey I ask a lot of questions!! Any way how many people are in the 8th grade I am if you are what is your name

Answer #1

I just got out of 8th :D but my name is cameron

Answer #2

im in 8th!!!

Answer #3

I am and my name is whitney

Answer #4

im not…but my name is chrysta :]

Answer #5

AWwWwWw 8th GrdErS ;) I MiSs BeInG In 8Th GrAdE… Nw iM iN 10th haha lol

Answer #6

im jennifer and I was in 8th last year lol

Answer #7

sorry, im in 10th lol. but im christina :]

Answer #8

sneakykaykay just to let you know us 8th graders arent cute… so dont ever fcking awww at us again…y )+!q

Answer #9

im in 8th. hahah wooo..

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