Why am I developing boils under my arms?

For the past six months or so I have been developing multiple abscesses or boils under my arms that are extremely painful and uncomfortable. One of them had the skin getting thiner and peeling away and now its an open wound that always has drainage. The thing is I have went to emergency rooms and my doctor and they haven’t helped me. I am tired of living like this I need help.

Answer #1

I happen to have same problem and this is what I do and they clear up in about 3 days. Get a presription called Fucidin cream, some telfa pads which look slippery on both sides and the wash and dry the area untill it is perfecly clean and dry, use alcohol(rubbing) or peroxide using the same directions as above. It is especially inportant to keep the area dry and cleansed properly.t hen you take the tefa pad out of the prepacaged envelope and it is important that you pull from the marked areas on the telfa pad so as not to contaminate the pad.Before touching the pad itself leave some in the envelope and then apply some Fucidin cream, alot is not necessary, just on the area that the boil will touch it and then apply the telfa to the spot. Another way to pretreat before you d the above is to put a very hot cloth , as hot as you can stand and let that stand for awhile that helps to bring the puss to a head and the the meds can do the rest. i hope that i helped you

Answer #2

This sounds like Hidradenitis Suppurativa. I have it. Its very painful and sometimes leaving me unable to do anything because of the pain of the boils. I also get them under my breast and sometimes in the groin area, which is apparently common with this issue.

Here is a very helpful link to help with the relief of the some of the symptoms, unfortunately there is no real cure.


Also google it cause there are many links to help you & find people with the same problem. Good Luck HS Sufforer

Answer #3

My friends had one because she shaved 2 much she went 2 A&E and they drained it she never had one since…

Answer #4

Sometimes it has to do with too many sweets and sugar…….

Answer #5

Hi my name Is E. I have the same identical situation. Your story brought me to tears! I went to a emergency room 6 years back& they lanced me under both arms& it was the worst pain I have ever felt in my life. I have underarms that look like the moon.Thereare crater like openings that leak pus out erveryday. It is such a misserable way to live. I have also talked to doctors and they dont know what to say. My pregnancy doctor said it could be from sugar. I am overweight so I think it be something related. I would like to talk to you about this. I am so desparate to find a solution to this problem that I’m willing to risk giving out my number.You are the first person that I know with this problem.call me please 816-729-4360

Answer #6

It’s possible you have high blood sugar. Diabetics are susceptible to boils much more often than people who don’t have high blood sugar. Does it run in your family?

Answer #7

I have had this problem for 17 years I have scars on my underarms and breast I have been to doctor after doctor. Finally im going to see a surgeon I have had it I cant even use razors under my arms so hopefully they can figure something out I know your pain and they hurt

Answer #8

I have been suffering with this myself for the last 10 years or so. I get small ones that usually go away by themselves, but for the last 3 years, about once a year, I get a boil from HELL in my arm pit. It hurt SO badly this time, that I took the day off work, and checked myself into the E.R. FINALLY a doctor there told me that the only way to get rid of this thing for good, is to get it surgically cut out, or removed. I have an appointment with a doc that he recommended, and have a date scheduled in a week or two for surgery. This doc explained that by not having surgery, the abscess or boil will continue to get infected, and gets worse over time. I have been taking meds a dermatologists recommended, called Septra D.S, but I STILL get the dang boils. If you can afford to do it, find a good doctor that has done it before, remove it for you. I talked to someone who has had it done, (one on her back and one in her groin)and said that it is awesome to not have to worry about another flare up, or the pain, embarrassment, etc. I was scared at first that I had some Biblical disease, and that I was all alone with this problem!!! I am sorry to hear that you also suffer with it, but strangely that comforted me knowing I wasn’t alone suffering with this. Hopefully this helps, and keep me in touch with how you are doing. I will report back after I get my surgery done. Good Luck!!!

Answer #9

I have the exact same thing and I am scared I have no medical insurance and I am 21 years old with breast cancer running in my family, yes I am overweight as well but I have been getting these all my life since I hit puberty I guess. I have been told that the boils I have are immune to antibiotics so I have no clue what to do, so this is me hopeing that there is someone out there with the answer I am glad I am not alone but still scared E from Ms

Answer #10

Before you try anything else, ask yourself this - do I wear the same shirts on multiple days? It might be simply a matter of cleanliness and the need to wear a fresh shirt every day so that bacteria does not accumulate under your arm. I had the same problem on occasion until I associated it with working out in t’s that I had worked out in previously without washing them.

Answer #11

They say that Tumeric is great for this because I’ve had surgery to remove one from my thigh but I still get them. Do a google search and you will find many remedies for them.

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