Why is my girlfriend so secretive when she's near me? Is it me?

Okay, so I have a situation where I can hardly ever communicate with my girlfriend anymore.

I’ve been with my girlfriend for almost 2 years now, and recently, I feel like she’s been keeping things from me. When we started going out, we always told each other everything, even our secrets. It all seemed like a great relationship filled with trust.

About 3-4 months ago, I randomly took a peek at her a social site profile and found this list of friends who were majority of guys. I confront her and she tells me it’s just people she added. No big deal for me. What was a big deal was that she went and hung out with those people and never even told me about it. I waited for more than 7 hours for her. I was upset, but I didn’t want her to feel bad.

A few weeks later, I learn from her friends that she’s been having some trouble with work and family(family owned store). I told her that there was something her friends told me about the store and family and she got really mad. I apologized, but she kept on going how I’m always in her face, and how I annoy her all the time. Being upset, I just told her “I’ll go away then..” and I left.

We’ve been having these fights so much now. I feel like it’s me. Why is she getting mad? Why does she hide this from me? What should I do to make her better? It’s almost our 2 year anniversary(Feb.) and I really want her happy, also need a gift too. Is there anyone who can answer these questions for me? Thanks.

Answer #1

sorry, but to me it sounds like she doesnt deserve youu. I mean, you waited for her for 7 hours! Yeahh, it sounds like your to good for her. If shes seeing other guys apart from you, yeah thats ok but if shes seeing them INSTEAD of you then thats out of order. You must really love her. If shes saying that your in her face then you might just need to back of and give her some time to think and be alone. Anyway, get her something really nice and special for your anniversary and if she doesnt appreciate it/get you something special to, then you might want to think about whether shes worth your thoughts and love… good luck.

Answer #2

Your girlfriend is really upset, so maybe you should back off a bit, but make sure she knows you are there for her, and ou should get a account on this social site so you can keep an eye on her, even if it does seem a bit over-protective. Ask her why she is doing stuff like this, ask her why she is always upset with you, talking can get a far way.If you stay back, then hopefully eventually she will realise that you are a great guy and are always there for her, and also for valentines, if she hasnt cooled down then maybe you should still stay backed away, but if not then buy her something really special:) Good luck;)

Answer #3

I agree with above those are the signs of a cheater

Answer #4

I think shes cheating. or wants to cheat.

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