Why are these voters now recieving death threats ?

The website of the Secretary of State in California listed donations of Voters who supported/cast their ballot for Proposition 8 (approved by 52.3 percent of California voters on Nov. 4) - Why are these voters now recieving death threats ?

Answer #1

Having your own beliefs is not wrong - denying people their rights because YOU dont think it’s right with “God” is wrong.

Answer #2

Personally I don’t care if homosexuality is hard wired or a choice. Either way it is wrong to deny this group of people rights.

Considering all of the factors that have statistical significance in sexual orientation it would be hard to argue that at least part of what causes people to have one orientation or another is biological rather than psychological.

Answer #3

Because the gay community (which is just like you or me) is sick of being denied the same rights that straight people have. It’s pathetic, closed-minded, and depressing that it’s 2009 and gay people still are not equal to straight people in the eyes of the law.

Amblessed, if we suddenly denied black people the right to marry, would you support it?

Answer #4

Thanks, I just remember it used to be gays that, rightly so, stressed ‘tolerance of others views/opinions’ - obviously that’s changed.

Answer #5

First off, these are not just voters. They are financial supporters. Not that anyone deserves death threats, but as Filetofspam pointed out, it is only a few extreme activists who are doing that. Just as there are extremists on any side of an issue.

Answer #6

When people unite for the purpose of restricting the freedoms of others motivated only by intolerance and without any good reason, violence is the expected outcome. I’m not saying it’s ok, I’m saying it’s predictable.

The whole purpose of the ideal of freedom is to result in a less violent society. The religious lunatics want to take us back to ‘the good old days’ of perpetual civil unrest.

Answer #7

you come on this website everyday and try and make liberal americans seem insane. You tell half-truths and give very little real info about topics to get people to try to agree with what you are saying. If you are this politically active what are you doing on fun advice? seems like you are better off stuffing envelopes of making phone calls so you can really make a difference. but no you are more interested in arguing with people of different view points only using fox news as a source for your information. sometimes you need to just give it a rest amblessed. you live with your head in the clouds.

Answer #8

Wow, the ignorance is shining through.

Discrimating against blacks and homosexuals is EXACTLY the same thing. You can’t help either one, and they are both determined by your gene’s while you are in the womb. Neither one of them are a choice and neither one of them are something you can change. There is tons of scientific evidence proving this, if you would open up your close-minded brain and listen - you would know.

Also, Why do you deserve your rights because your black - and homosexual’s don’t deserve their rights as well? What makes you a better person me, please tell me? Are you saying that because you are black and straight that you are a better person?

Answer #9

Advisor mandyloo - Thanks for tolerance of this members answer being demonstrated - don’t really understand why you left answering the question to attack.

Answer #10

because people are angry that gays do not have the same rights as straight people

Answer #11

It’s not right that they are getting death threats - but you have to realize how much that bill afffected people’s lives and how upset they are.

It’s ridiculous to think that people agree that gays are less than them and do not have the same rights. It appauls me and disgust me that they think that we do not have the right to marry.

Amblessed: You of all people have no right to talk about tolerance. Thank you.

Answer #12

editor, to answer your question, No, certainly not and nowhere did I suggest same - I apologize to all Advisors for expressing my different opinions, views, values, and beliefs or asking a legitimate question - you made it abundantly clear in this thread, it’s not welcome.

Answer #13

tolerance of views and opinions stops completely when you your views and opinions consist of taking rights away from anyone. no one is going to be tolerant of bigotry.

Answer #14

Oh amblessed, let go of the sarcasm and the “poor me I’m being attacked” attitude. We have our opinions just like everyone else. Being an advisor doesnt prevent this. As long as we dont let it interfere with our job (for example by deleting questions we disagree with), we are allowed to express our thoughts freely. Dont try and suppress our rights simply because we disagree with you. You have one opinion. And obviously quite a few people disagree. You’re allowed to express your opinion. We’re allowed to call you narrow minded and intolerant for your opinions. Free speech is a wonderful thing that goes both ways. Also, please dont talk about hypocrites. If you want to talk to hypocrites, go talk to the “pro-lifers” who believe fetus have a right to life, but then go bomb abortion clinics with living people inside it. Just as all pro-lifers obviously dont go bombing clinics and making death threats, not all gay people go around making death threats to those who deny them their rights.

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