Who will win this football game?

Who do you think will win the football game today? It’s Indianappolis Colts vs. San Diego Chargers! Good, tough game, but who do you think will win?

Answer #1

I really want the Colts to win, but its a close game and I just am not sure!

Answer #2

me too :(

Answer #3

ooo I wanted the colts 2 win!!

Answer #4

I don’t know anything about football really so I’m going to say Colts because it sounds cooler, haha. I have way to much time on my hands.

Answer #5

The Colts…

Answer #6

Who do you think is going to win?

Answer #7

lol sounds like it!! You should watch it, tho! Football is awesome!

Answer #8

Oh darnett!! The Chargers won :(

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