Who thinks funadvice is like most awesome site?? :)

I love FA it the most awesome site ever!!! And its very addicting Im on all the time!! Any one else love FA as much as I do lol

Answer #1

I love FA. So addicting.

Answer #2

okay… I love fun advice… but there isn’t anything here to obsess over. there are way better sites, I hate myspace, but there our site LIKE myspace that are good but FA isn’t the greatest site of all time. in my own opinion myyearbook.com is.

Answer #3

I do think it’s great also…I’ve met some really interesting people AND got a lot of great advice..it’s been really helpful to me!


Answer #4

Some people are ignorant fools but most people are helllaaa funny and really cool

Answer #5

I love this site its var helpful;)

Answer #6

hells yeahs!

Answer #7

I totally agree! I LOVE this web sight! :)

Answer #8

I enjoy the interesting questions / answers and trying to help people.

Answer #9

I do!!!

Answer #10

I do cause I meet sooo many new friends on there

Answer #11

I definitely love this site! Its awesome! I’m addicted to it and I love to help people also to get advice.

Answer #12

I do :)

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