What's the most beautiful experience of your life?

I’ll try to describe mine the best I can after I hear some of y’alls. This is just for fun. Life is beautiful, sometimes it doesn’t seem so. But thinking about the beautiful parts of life can change your whole outlook on everything.

Answer #1

When my son was born. It was one of the most horrific experiences of my life but through it came my biggest joy, my reason for living and my best accomplishment to date.

Answer #2

THATS A HARD QUESTION but I think I would have that it was with my first love, we spent an entire afternoon in a secluded medow beside a stream surrounded by trees, we had a picnic and kissed and cuddled for hours. never before or since have I felt so at peace.

Answer #3

my last time to drink… I got so drunk and started staggering, I though I was on the moon.. my bro was drunk too.. he saw the moon shining so bright and he asked me what it was … I never understood his question ..I said I was I new guy in that place I could’t really everything in a day.. I thought I was not on earth..cause gravity wasnt all that effective…he laughed and said you’ve been here for year how comes you dont even know what keeps the earth bright..I said drop..I was a born again guy…at home I started with prayer never knew drunkards could pray… but what made me quit was after all that fun I had to puke at night..it was a real hustle to get out of bed and pee..I had to mess the bed…and yours

Answer #4

when sumone told me I was pretty my life is kinda lame :-/

Answer #5

when I lost my virginity

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