What is your favorite place to be for alone time?

So where to you go to unwind to relax and just be to gather your thoughts ?

Answer #1

the secret beach not many people know about it its a secret beach where I live where only the locals go its a hidden paradise its so peaceful and I love going there and sitting in the sand, basically any beach is where I go to unwind to relax and just be to gather my thoughts I love listening to the water and I love the sitting in the sand

Answer #2

My Room! :]

Answer #3

When I lived in a town I’d go down to the train tracks and walk down them. Now that I live in the city I dont like to walk anywhere alone because people around here think its hilarious to hit on people for fun or yell sh!t out of their cars. UGH, I hate it. Haha now I just go to my room or take a really long shower. Or I sit on my portch steps. =)

Answer #4

my room I used to spend hours just re-arranging everything and displaying al the things I like to look at, I paint and make things in there as well, its my favourite place to be and I do a lot of my hobbies in there I live with my boyfreind now but I still go to my old house and my spend time in my room other than that I like to go outside and just look at nature and the trees and the ants, ect and think

Answer #5

the pub :P

Answer #6

my closet in my room or the park by myself

Answer #7

coffee shop

Answer #8

OUTDOORS– I prefer rooftops or empty parks

Answer #9

Definitely somewhere outside. I love just heading outdoors with my ipod and just relaxing.

Answer #10

Either my room or outside

Answer #11

In the shower x_x Sometimes I use up all the hot water…

Answer #12

the pub.

Answer #13

probably my room… Usually my closet or under my desk., ^^

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