Should I join college TRACK TEAM

I used to run track in high school and I really liked it. But, I in college now and I feel like I miss running and being apart of a team. The thing about track is that it is sooo tie consuming. I would have to practice for at least two hours after school every day. And not to mention when the team has track meets, which will be on the weekends OR during the week. Just to remind you I am going to college and I have an eighteen credit schedule and I want to volunteer at a Museum. Is this too much on my plate or is track worth the sleepless nights and tired body and aches and may be failing grades. Should I join Track team at my Division 1 school.

Answer #1

You are the only one who can decide this - not anyone on this site. You need to figure out if you can handle the long hours of track and still keep your grades up in college before you decide what to do though. Your education is more important than anything.

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