Passing CDL test on pain medication

I have HME a rare bone disease. It is very painful and the only treatment is medication. I dont want to go on SS so I am applying for a truck driving job. I take very low dosages of oxycondone and have been for 4 years. I am 52 years old and really need this job BUT I can not do without the pain medication. All I need to do is pass the entry UA. I even thought of my doctor giving me methadone but will it show up on a UA. I REALLY NEED HELP WITH THIS !! How can I pass a UA being on the pain medication?

Answer #1

I would keep things on the up and up - if you can’t pass the physical and be approved with the medication, find another option - you don’t want to risk having a problem out there with an 80,000 lb vehicle…I wish you the best !!

Answer #2

If they test you for drugs the oxycodone will show up, however, as long as you have a valid prescription for the medication from a medical doctor, they cant do anything about it. It’s unlawful for them to not hire you due to any kind of medication prescribed by a doctor for a patient. I’m not saying that doesnt happen though, because im sure they just give other reasons for not hiring you and don’t come out and say its because of the medication. The only way that oxycodone can effect someone negatively for the job drug test is if it is being used as a recreational drug..or if someone is taking it because they actually do have pain, but the prescription is old and it has expired - as in if you got the pain meds took them for a while for something, stopped and then a year or two later had more pain and used the same bottle with the left over medications in it, or if you are using someone elses pain medication and the rx isnt made out for you. ..does that make sense?

Answer #3

My husband drives truck and he said “Tell the company up front what medications you are on that way when the results come back to them they will be prepared for it”.

Good luck

Answer #4


… you won’t even get the insurance buddy.

Please try something else to do for a living… like maybe you could teach others how to drive trucks… you get to choose your own hours and you can go home any time you are feeling unwell without leaving a truck out on the highway.


Answer #5

koota, how old are u?

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