My new pierced ears

Ok my problem is simple as that, I got my ears pierced one week ago by a professional, my second hole, I keep hurting my ears like very often as I keep forgetting that its there, however one of my ears looks a bit weird but the other is normal, could it be swollen or did the earings change my ears, cause if it did then both ears would look weird right lol no its certainly not funny, but ewww that one ear look weird, should I remove the piercing or will it heal gradually thx guys :D xxx

Answer #1

thats one usually happens when you get them done. one is puffier than the other, and they keep switching off sometimes. just make sure your cleaning them twice a day with the cleaning stuff they gave u. oh and dont wanna wear the little clear backs, I wore those and they got stuck inside my ear lobe. it hurt like hell.

Answer #2

mine was the same but you should let it heal and not take it out just make sure your cleaning ir right everyday and everything =] but im pritty sure its normal

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