Lip piercing and snake bites?

Would it look dum to have both a lip ring and snake bites?

Answer #1

No, it wouldn’t look dumb at all. If you want your lip pierced 3 times like that, go for it. I’ve seen many people with their lip pierced like that. It’s really awesome looking. Don’t worry about what others will think, it’s none of their business. All that matters is that YOU like it. It won’t make you any more or less attractive than you already are and you can still get a job… if someone tells you otherwise, they’re wrong. Many places hire people with visible piercings/tattoos.

If you want to get an idea as to how the piercings will look on you, buy or make fake ones. If you need help making fake ones, I can teach you.

Answer #2

I dont think so. you see many people with a lot more piercings than that and it looks fine

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