How can I get rid of premature wrinkles and a pig nose?

Ok well i am 15, i don’t wear a lot of make up because i don’t want to look tacky like some of the other girls at my school plus i like my eyes and i just wear mascara to show them off. But anyway i have really bad skin. It’s leathery and i have wrinkles all under my eyes and no its not like normal little creases that people have anyway, i mean i actually have premature wrinkles, I smoked a while ago for about six months but i quit and that was a long time ago but it has still destroyed my skin. I moisturize with coco butter but nothing has changed i have used anti-wrinkle creams but again nothing, can someone please help me this is my only problem and i need some help, please don’t tell me that i am young and this will all change eventually because that doesn’t make me feel any better, and also i have a horrible nose and when i smile it looks like a pig snout it is so bad, and yes I am very insecure but don’t think that because of this. I am seeing things because I’m not that type of person. I see what is there and i need to get rid of it so please please can someone please help me get rid of my wrinkles and my pig nose? Then i will be happy.

Answer #1

Hi hollywood,

Well, I don’t think I can help you with your “pig nose”, although you might grow into it or end up liking it. For the wrinkles, there are some home remedies and simple things such as diet that you can do to fight them.

hope that helps!

Answer #2

also i just wanted to know, i havnt had a groth spirt for a while so when i do do u think i could grow into my nose and i also have a bit of fat under my chin and i want a stronger jaw line do u think i will grow into that too?

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