How do you become attractive when you're ugly?

When I was yonger,I use to get many comlements,and girls liked me despite my shyness.I got chubby and started to get bumps all over my face.Now,I am always called ugly by almost everyone,and it really gets to me.I am starting to think I really am due to how much I hear it.I want advice so I can feel better about myself,and honestly make the people regret what they said.

Answer #1

people are just gona be how they are, by nature we indulge in competition proving wer better so by making you feel negative they’ll feel positive and plus look at me I got shyt on my face but I could care less what people have to say (unless its someone I like then that bothers me quite a lot). Now that doesnt mean I dont try to fix it which I do but the stuff out ther doesnt work for me 2 good so yeah. All you should do is keep your head high and remember thers nice people in the world who care less wtf you look like =)

Answer #2

you are not ugly…everyone is special in their own way…and everyone also have a fault( 4 me people always say am too tall and am only 5ft 7) bumps on your face is just temporary and besides if you want you can lose weight… so dispite what people say and think of you just know that you are beautiful and that there is mor than juss beauty onthe outside… xxx hope I help

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