Why are tampons so hard to put in?

I first got my period about 2 months ago, and thats when I tried a tampon, my period was really light then but I sitll wanted to try the tampon and get the pain over with, well I didnt insert it far enuogh in and it hurt really bad, so I was going to take it out and try it again, when I tried to take it out it woudlnt come, and it hurt really bad! I got really scared then, finally it came out but I am really scared to try a tampon again. I have my period again now and its a lot heavier now, and pads are really anyoing and messy. I have been fingured before and that never hurt, so I just dont get why that doesnt hurt but the tampon does..? Why was it so hard to get out the 1st time I tried it? Thanks in advance for all your help.

Answer #1

I got it in, but not far enuogh again and I tried to pull it out and it wont come! What should I do?

Answer #2

Yes, you’re right, khs. The tampon itself should not get pee on it, but the string might!

Answer #3

you have tobe kinda heavy on your period to get a tampon .. it wont go up if its dry.

Answer #4

^^ If your tampon gets wet when you pee, then you’re not doing it right. The tampon should be in your vgina. You do not pee out of your vgina. You pee out of you urethra. They are two completely different holes.

Answer #5

Ok, I waited uncomfortably for a few hours thinking maybe it wouldnt be so dry, and when i tried pulling it out it came much easier, I think maybe it hurt and didnt want to come out was because the cotton was so dry or w/e. Hopefully next time I’ll get it in far enugh because it wotn be coming out for a few hrs after, lol. Thanks for the help. I will post here again if I ever need any more help! I am nervous to put another one in though, I am comign to the end of my period but I am still bleeding alittle, I dont want to put another tampon in and then barly bleed at all, I’ll never get it out of me then..

Answer #6

Ok, got one in, and its pretty far, I talked to my mom about it today and she took me to get some smaller tampons, I tried the OB’s and thast what I have in right now, I hit a certain point when I was putting it in where it really burned and I felt like I had to pee, and I have it in far enugh now, but I can still feel it, it doesnt hurt to mcuh but I can feel it, maybe I am hitting the wall or sotmhign or i angled it weird.

Answer #7

well you will get used to it. try peeing. it makes it wet

Answer #8

Pee on it hun

Answer #9

The string can get it wet if you dont moove it to the side

Answer #10

Tampons can take some practice, so don’t panic if you don’t get the hang of it right away. If you’re tense or nervous, that can make it even more difficult.

Answer #11

umm ok llewellyn your uretha is before your vgina, there for the pee comes through it. where else does it come from? your butt? but any way, hun if you try and do that and act like its not there then it will be normal then wait like 2 or 3 hours and change it and see if that helps you any. it should loosen it up some. but other wise you might have something that is where your vagin is to small. my best friend has that but she is 24 so she is old enough to do the things that are required. she has to get surgery to make it wider so she can do the things normal people can do( have kids and s*x)

Answer #12

Well at first it was hard for me to put one in too. Then i found a little trick to it. If you get the tampon and stick it in even the carton part about an inch, but where you can still hold on to the carton part, then you push and you push to where it feels right and pull out the little carton thing. It works great!

Answer #13

Try a small size and some ky lubricant to help insert it

Answer #14

There are three holes. Your urethra, your vgina, and your ans. They are all separate from each other. Pee comes from your urethra, discharge comes from your vgina, and poo comes from your ans. I repeat, the tampon is in your vgina. You do not pee out of your vgina.

Perhaps this diagram will help you picture it: http://ww.the-clitoris.com/x/qa/vulva.bmp

If your tampon (not the string) is getting pee on it, then something is wrong.

Answer #15

look you were dry then, thats what caused the pain. and since it was your first time you were most likely tense. just relax all your muscles and make sure your tampon is at its maximum abosrbtion before pulling it out

Answer #16

if it wont come out.. try a slender or slimmer not regular tampon. && if you have those than it just expands the tampon and its harder to get out because it was absorbing the blood hope I helped..

Answer #17

well maybe you arnt putting it in properly.. have you read the directions in side the tampns pack? if it still hurts then maybe you arnt sticking it in far enough. you kinda hve to push hard, it may hurt but after its over yu shouldnt feel a thing. my first time didnt realy hurt it just felt weird bc i have never used one. and i didnt have it in far enough. dont be scared if it wont come out because tampons cant get stuck. they will always come out.. i hoped this helped some!! if you need ne more help jus write me!!

Answer #18

hmm.. ok i had to think on this one lol.. well try to push as hard as you can dont stop till you cant put it in anymore. ok and this sounds weird.. but try spreading yor legs. that helped me more. and it is hard to pull out. i am on it now and it still is hard for me to pull it out. and i have had a period for quite awhile now.. at least 10 years.. so jus try that.

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