How can I get my hair to grow longer and be healthy?

I am a blk female that wants to help grow her hair out and get it more healthy. Once before it was really healthy when I was in the Army, working out everyday, and drinking lots of water. I have been told root stimulators are a good way to go, but I have been told that that can make your hair come put and not really help. I used it some and I didn’t really see no change, can someone give me some advice. Want some fast results at least by Thanksgiving.

Answer #1

ehither use a moistarizer called dr.miracles or a hair oil

Answer #2

Black hair is always dry. That’s the number one problem with it.

Do not wash it every night. Do so as infrequently as possible. When you do wash it, only put shampoo around the scalp and not below the ears. Where you stop with the shampoo, continue with a good, cream conditioner. Saturate the tips.

Oils such as Coconut, Almond, Vitamin E, Flax Seed or Jojoba are always a wonderful addition to your routine. Saturate the ends. If your hair is frizzy and dry in the morning, you can comb in some oil to make it sit right.

Don’t dye it. Don’t straighten it. If you must, do so sparingly. Minimize exposure to Chlorine and the Sun.

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