Does god look down on gays and bi sexuals?

I am not sure if god love me because I am bi help me.

Answer #1

txcherry first god made a man then he made a women not another man if that doesnt tell you something then your just really dum so your calling me dumb and you belaeve in the whole adam and eve bull then you beleave in incest.

Answer #2

Depends on whether or not you believe in God really If God only made 2 people then after they had kids their kids would have had to be inbred to have more kids No man in a dress is telling me im going to hell

Answer #3

Whether or not you’re gay/bi REALLY doesn’t matter at all. The only argument against it from a Christian standpoint was written a long time ago when it was considered evil to eat shellfish. you have to look at the time period.

God will take you as you are, Gay, Bi, Black, White, Asian, Short, Tall, Slim, and everything in-between. Just love God and love others and He surely will return the favor.


Answer #4

first god made a man then he made a women not another man if that doesnt tell you something then your just really dum

That’s not the point. But in any case, how do you explain the fact that man has nipples. Oh and the same amount of ribs as a woman…

Ps… it’s dumb, not dum…

Answer #5

gay is one of the WORST sins in the christian religion

You’re an idiot… and a hypocrite…

first god made a man then he made a women not another man if that doesnt tell you something then your just really dum

You missed the point… dummy…

Answer #6

first god made a man then he made a women not another man if that doesnt tell you something then your just really dum

Answer #7

Why not post them here?

Because she doesn’t like the idea of contrary opinions that make more sense than hers… so her solution… isolate… segregate…

if I have a son who is gay I will look down on him and will make his mind straight in anyway possible

…oh, even MORE evidence that you’re an idiot… keep it coming… n___n

Answer #8

If you funmail me I will provide you answers.

Why not post them here?

if I have a son who is gay I will look down on him and will make his mind straight in anyway possible

Gay isn’t a choice by the way, but then again you’ve proven yourself to be judgemental and inaccurate in all your other posts, so I see no reason why we should take this trolling nonsense up as serious.

Oh and people like you shouldn’t have children. Furthermore religious nuts like you are the reason why many people turn away from religion.

Answer #9

gay is one of the WORST sins in the christian religion

I thought that your god sees all religions as equal. So HOW is it the possible that being gay is worse than other sins?

All you do if you’re gay, just pray to your god before you die asking for forgiveness. After all if he’ll forgive a murderer who took a life, I’m sure he’ll forgive someone who just has a different sexual preference and didn’t have a choice about that.

Answer #10

…the space monkeys… I’m their emissary… n___n

Answer #11

who asked you to comment on my opinion?

Answer #12

if I have a son who is gay I will look down on him and will make his mind straight in anyway possible

Answer #13

If you funmail me I will provide you answers.

Answer #14

I think that God loves us all no matter what. I do not think he will look down on you. I think you should be able to love whoever you want and you will be ok I agree with the advise give by the fau saying were made in gods image… we will accept you and for those who disagree, thats to bad. good luck to u :)

Answer #15

No, we are all made in gods image and we are all his children whom he loves. If you had a son or daughter that was bi or gay would you look down on them? I never would I would accept them for who they are and love them so I believe thats what God does too.

Answer #16

Pommel which one of the hundreds are your god???

Answer #17

gay is one of the WORST sins in the christian religion

Answer #18

if god didn’t want gays then he wouldn’t have given man the mentality to decide the option. theres always been gays and there always will be, you can be gay and love God…God looks down on know one.

Answer #19

My god would never look down on a person for being who they are. My “God” is a caring benevolent force that doesn’t recognize sexuality as a bad thing. I don’t thin k you should feel bad or guilty, but others may believe differently, whats important is what you believe.

Answer #20

Technically he looks down on ALL OF US, since we’re ALL sinners…

Answer #21

It’s not a good thing,please think about this before it’s to late!.Note:It is a SIN!.

Answer #22

*He {& me} :)

Answer #23

yes he does you shouldnt ask people read your bible an ull find what he thinks of that

Answer #24

Imagine you have children, one of your children gets good grades in school, always does their chores, and never gets in trouble. Now your other child is always gettin into trouble, breaks some of the rules, and and doesnt do exactly what you want them to do. ok. Now would you love either one of them differently? No!!! Your love is everlasting. My point is it doesnt matter what you do God loves you no matter what!!! God loves you because your you!! Always remember that. Now pray, read your bible, and follow in Jesus’s footsteps!!! Everyone sins… Its part of being human…

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