Can I have windows vista 6.0 and windows 2000 on pc at same time!?

Is is possible to have both windows vista 6.0 aswell as windows 2000 at the same time as I’ve bort a mp3 player that is only compatible with windows 2000!!! Can return in but wonder if theres a way round it at all? Im not too good with technology!! Look forward to your answers Shemmy 27 Xx

Answer #1

ok for someone that doesn’t know that much about computers the best thing that I can think of that should work for an mp3 that needs a different compatibility setting. try finding the file\program that runs the mp3 and right click it and find the part that says “compatibility” then check the box that says “run this program in compatibility for:” then click the operating system that you need and run it. if this doesn’t work then I dont know what else you could try, I’ve never heard of having to operating systems on one computer but I guess it could work.

Answer #2

its pretty simple to install 2 operating systems… I’ve had 3 installed before… xp, me and 95.

vista is installed so thats ready… now all you do is create another partition. lets say your hdd is 500gig just create a partition of 250gig.. but as youll only be using win2000 for your mp3 prob best to just make a 10gig partition…

I use partitionmagic but if you just put your windows2000 disk in and go through setup till it says you have vista installed bla bla you can create a partition from there and go ahead and install win2000

after its finished and after the initial boot screen you will have options of selecting which operating system to boot: ‘microsoft windows vista’ or ‘an earlier version of windows’ which will be win2000

if you dont wanna do that, then yeah prob best to get another mp3 :) im fine thank you

Answer #3

Clawjaw work around is actaully fairly easy and not a whole lot of knowledge is needed. If you google how to do it you can even watch step by step videos.

Answer #4

lol!! you must think im thick as sh*t!! thanks. think ile send it back h get one thats compatible with windows vists 6.0, do you jnow of any please? hi clawjaw you ok?

Answer #5

Clawjaw is correct. My brother has 2 installed. :)

Answer #6

clawjaw, I think you missed this part of the original question: im not too good with technology!!


Answer #7

yes dual boot… 2 partitions each with 1 operating system on..

Answer #8

No, you can’t have two separate operating systems at once.

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