Branch of the Military Service.

If you was gonna go into the Military after school? Would it be.(A) The Marine Corps. or (B) The Navy. or (C) The Army. or (D) The Airforce.???

Answer #1

marine corps

Answer #2

I’d choose Marines. Marines are agile and very well trained. Not just the US Marines, but all Marine Corps. branches of the different countries like Germany, Russia, Pakistan, India, Italy, Ukraine, and many more.

Answer #3

iyuun, I don’t know what your talking about the Marine Corps is only in teh United States. sure those countries might have their own version like Russia’s spetsnaz but its the Marine Corps is only in the US

Answer #4

if your not into combat try the National Guard. they have great oppurtunities during and after your military career. USAF and Navy are also great choices.

Answer #5

Well I’m going into the Marine Corps as soon as I’m done with College.

the Weapons training and Discipline that I’ll get in the U.S.M.C. as well as Everything else, will Aid me Greatly for the Career that I’m striving for in the Civilian World ^_^.

so. long story short. I’d pick The United States Marine Corps.

Answer #6

hm. I’m pretty sure women arnt suppose to get Direct Combat M.O.S. so yea… Lol. not much help sorry ^_^.

I’m going for Infantry myself.

Answer #7

I would choose the marines. thats where im planning to go but im not there yet and I have a lot of time to think the only thing holding me back is what jobs are there. I know theres a lot but what are some of “a lot of jobs” in the marines for women?

Answer #8

The few the proud the Marines!!!

Answer #9

Marine Corps

Answer #10

Don’t forget there is a war on! lol. All the branches of the military are amazing and deserve a lot of respect. The air force is the most lenient and the Marines have a very tough training bootcamp to get through. It really depends on how much endurance you have and what kind of situations you are willing to be put in. Sam

Answer #11

Coast Guard sees more action then any other branch of military. The only service that will sail in hurricanes. Air Force has fewer aircraft then any other military. BUT the aircraft that they are in procession of is the best on the planet. Army is probably the best job to have if you already have a family. Get to play war games and still be home in time for dinner. Marines They have been trained to be the ultimate in ground combat. There are some Marines who can actually push sumo wrestlers out of the ring. Navy If you are young and single this would be the best opportunity for you to see the world. Imagine living on a traveling island blowing up stuff thousands of miles away with a push of a button. (Navy is the safest of all the branches)

Answer #12

Air Force - I was in the USAF 12 years - got out and was an air traffic controller at my hometown civilian airport - the AF was Great ! - very sharp people - much like a civilian job atmosphere - take care of their people - great food, LOL - if able get a guaranteed job of computer operator or programmer or air traffic - sets you up for the outside & great jobs - controller pay civilian, average now $128,000 a yr…I wish you the best !!

Answer #13

Um my grandpa says the Airforce would be good for me. I don’t know why he wants me to join the military.

Answer #14

I’m in the Marine Corps and it has many opportunities. Females can do everything the males do, except for Special Forces and some pilots. Though, that is changing. All branches have their pro’s and con’s. Just write out a list of why you want to join and see which branch matches you the best. It’s a big decision. Marines are the toughest, most disciplined and proffesional you’ll see.

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