Black nails

Well I know its pretty stupid but on some church my friend used to go,they said that if you painted your nails black you belonged to the devil! I was suprised because my friend always painted them black & since she heard that I have never seen her with black nail polish again…I was wondereing.. Is that even true?

Answer #1

no, it doesn’t mean that. a lot of women 9and some men, depending on the person) are painting their nails balck because of their style (goth, punk, etc). it’s just a fashion accessory; nothing to judge. those people that say that, are just looking for something to pick at.

Answer #2

Well that has to be one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard. I believe in God, but I feel there is nothing wrong with painting your nails black or wearing black or the color black in general. Black isn’t bad…

Answer #3

no! its not, I love God and I wear black nail polish… I dont think how our styles are should effect us going to church or loveing God any diffrnt…

Answer #4

It’s silly - black fingernails will not keep you out of Heaven - only rejection of the King of Kings, Jesus…Merry Christmas !!

Answer #5

Nope, I serously doubt there is a hell to begin with so why would you go to hell if you had Black nailpolish. As I said If god doesn’t like it; he wouldn’t have put it here.

Answer #6

Nail polish is nail polish, all colors are beautiful. I’m thinking about painting my fingernails black.

Answer #7

course not. I paint my nails back all the time my mom said the but idc if you like it then wear it

Answer #8

I wear black fingernail polish all the time. I either paint my nails black AND silver or just black, nothing more… and I’m Christian.

Answer #9

That’s plain fcking stupid. I paint mine solid black ALL THE TIME and I wear black/dark clothes all the time and you know what, I DARE anyone to try to change my mind. Your not “evil” just because you paint yout nails a certain color. All the more reason for me to not go to church… they feed you LIES… and they apparently judge people by their appearance. That’s NOT a good way to live life. Get to know someone before you judge them and call them evil and sht. Bottom line here is black isn’t evil! Whoever thinks so is a fcking dumbas.

Answer #10

Ask yourself this question: Teen pop idols such as Hillary Duff and Ashley Simpson paint their nails solid black. Would you ever consider one of them evil? It’s amusing to think that the church would frown upon an act as mundane as painting one’s nails a certain color. Then again, the church is quick to fight any sort of action they consider “individual,” or “creative,” and deem it to be “evil.” Paint your nails black, and you’re evil, the Devil’s Slave. Rape a little boy, you’re just a Catholic Priest.

Answer #11

Dought it bcs we had to paint them black for a play at church before.

Answer #12

I’ve never heard of that be 4 but I dont think its true. you should be able to wear watever color fingernail polish you want

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