Big Problem. Friends Fightinggg.

I have a problem. it’s really not a huge deal- but it kinda is.

I need it answered pretty soon. im friends with some totally opposite groups.

so one of the (whiite)boys calls someone(a black guy) a -N word- im not really friends with a lot of black people, but I did date a black guy for about a year, and me and him are still really good friends. so all the white guys in this group want to fight the black guys at school on friday.. (stupid, stupid)

I already told my friend,(ex) and told him he better not fight. so I just got a text from a boy from the other group saying.. “tell all the nig*ers if they want some, come get some friday at school”

who do I tell? do I tell the black guys? keep it to myself? try to stop it? what?

im not telling the school officials, im not getting everyone in trouble for something that might not even go down.

Answer #1

“”so I just got a text from a boy from the other group saying.. “tell all the nig*ers if they want some, come get some friday at school”””

Text him back, and tell him that you don’t want any part of this, and you don’t condone or respect what he’s doing, as both groups are your friends. If he wants to cause a ruckus, tell him to threaten the other group himself.

And leave it at that.

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