Am I pregnant? Help!! I really need to know!!

Okay so without much details.. I got drunk, Had sex with my best friend a few days later I started spotting, and it’s been that way for like a week now. What does this mean?

My doctors told me I have a 15 [out of 100] percent chance of getting pregnant and he said that there is a rare chance of it so I don’t think I am or ever will be but I just want to make sure.

When do I take a test?? It’s been about a week since this has happen…

Answer #1

3 best results will be afetr 3 weeks which is basically what pink princess said except your next period could come sooner than 3 weeks so rather wait 3 weeks to be certain

Answer #2

I’m on birth control, and I don’t get my period anymore…Do I go back to when I did have my period before I was on birth control? Which would be at the beginning of the month..

Answer #3

You need to take a test on the first day your period is due, any test before that can be false. Or go down the doctors and they will do one for you and a blood test can show early pregnancy

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