Where can my boyfriend find a job that pays enough 4 us to live together?

I am disabled. My boyfriend and I have been wanting to get married, but he currently doesn’t make enough money to support us both. He is very skilled in a wide aray of things. He wants a carrier vs a job. He wants something he wont hate doing. But this economy has left him working at freaking toys are us. He is x-army. He needs a military type job to be happy. He doesnt want to travel too much. He wants a 9-5 but a not so standard 9-5 job.. I dunno if anybody could help. I know he has applied at the local police force and state trooper things, but they dont have any possitions open. We live in Central Virginia. Dunno, if anyone has any ideas or not..

Answer #1

Could he apply at a local army base to help train other boys/men?

Thats the only idea I have, sorry.

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