When you get the top of your ear peiced, does it hurt?

I’m 13 years old and I’m been going back and froth weather or not to go get my cartlage peiced. and I’m almost 14 and I just wanna get it does because I no when I grow up I’m gonna regret not getting it done… I’m not that scared of the 2 second pain when it happens, I’m more afraid of the paid afterwards. How long will it hurt after getting it periced and on a scale 1-10 how bad does it hurt?

Answer #1

I was 14 when I got my cardlige pierced it only hurts for 2seconds then after your ear feels warm…get it pierced it’s ok the pain isn’t bad at all

Answer #2

it didnt hurt when I got it done and it doesnt usually hurt unless I hit it or something and then it hurts pretty bad like a 5 or 6 but I’ve had it like a month and now I can sleep on it

Answer #3

My friend in school was going around doing everyones, when she done mine it wasnt sore at all. It just stung for a bit.

Answer #4

I got mine done when I was ten. From what I remember, it didn’t hurt at all afterwards unless I laid on that side while I slept.

I never wear anything in it now because I have two industrials in that ear that cross eachother like an X so the cartilage piercing looks bad. Haha

You’re more likely to regret getting it than not getting it. When you grow up you’re probably going to stop putting jewelry in it because it’s really a little girl thing.

Answer #5

For me, the pain after was maybe a 6 or a 7. I got it done with a gun (which is not good) It hurt to lay on it, my hair would get caught in it, it would hit things.. for some reason the weather change would make it hurt more… I think it hurt more than my tongue. But it gets better eventually… keep it clean and only get one on one side at a time.. I got it on both sides.. big mistake lol.

Answer #6

it only hurrs a lil bit on a scale from 1 to 10 mayb 1 or 2

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