Whats the weirdest thing youve ever seen at a yard sale?

I guess mine is a dead cat she was selling the body!


Answer #1

a rock!no no somebodys tooth!nooo umm o yeah not weird but funny some ladyhad got into a fight with her boyfriend and sold all his stuff for a quarter a piece

Answer #2

old fashion vibrators/:

ahahahaha ! it was sick,,

Answer #3

drinking straws

Answer #4

my god! she was selling a dead cat’s bpdy??!!! nasty!! ahah, preobably the weirdest thing I seen was..hmm.. know..I thought I did, but I guess not.soorry!

Answer #5

prosthetic leg XD

Answer #6

a jar of “special” dirt…

Answer #7

I bought a dead cat head from a yard sale once.

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