What profession is it to talk to people and help them?

One summer in My ex. home NH my eight year old cousin came to me and began to

act up and cry . I asked her what was wrong and she pouted that the girls in her school

didn’t like her and called her stalker I talked to her and told her how she is lucky to have

caring parents and motivated her to don’t bother with those girls she is pretty so I said

that they’re jealous because they are not as pretty and that really made her feel better

and me also and I won’t mind doing that as a profession only thing is what was it that I did?

Answer #1

Dear andrew123, There are many, many professions that you are required to counsel people. You will have to go to college or university. College courses are usually Youth Workers, Social Workers, Developmental workers etc. University courses for Psychologists, psychiatrists etc. You will need some degree or diploma to do this professionally. Sue…good luck

Answer #2

Each of these posts are right on target! Psychologist, Mental Health Counselor, Marriage and Family Therapist, Social Worker (Licensec/Clinical in the states) and many other similar fields. In the US the minimum to practice something clinical (counseling, social work, or psychology) requires a minimum of a masters (graduate) degree–more non-clinical areas usually require an undergraduate degree. Best of luck! :-) -S

Answer #3


Answer #4

try going into teaching…u get to help kids with their work/give them advice or: physcologist guidence consuler cop

Answer #5

I think that’s what counsellers do. Listen to people’s problems and dispense sound advice. Ever heard of the samaritans?

Answer #6

Or counsellors

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