Does it signify anything for have someone appear in your dreams many times in a row?

A few months ago I found out that a guy in my school has a crush on me for over a year now. A few weeks ago I started liking him back. Now that I left for Winter break, he has been appearing in my dreams around 3 times in a row now. It’s strange because I don’t really think about him or chat with him or anything. There are two things that all of the dreams had in common, and were also true in real.

  1. We didn’t talk to each other in the dreams. We’re both really shy of each other, so we never talk. I caught him looking at me a few times before, and he has caught me looking at him. The same thing was in the dreams.
  2. My friend was in the dreams. She is currently mad at me and is ignoring me. In the dreams, she seemed to start talking to me little by little, but it was obvious that the conflict we had happened. So does this mean or signify anything?
Answer #1

Dreams reflect reality since what you said about your friend ignoring you and speaking to you little by little in dreams seems similar. Maybe you’re subconsciously thinking about them boy constantly. Also If you like him and if it seems like he still like you then DO SOMETHING before it’s too late! I can’t tell you how much I’ve missed on by not telling my crushes I liked them!

Answer #2

i have had the same thing happen to me i use to have a best friend we were friends for sooo long n she just stopped being my friend n it just hurt my feelings cause she was the closes person to me n i use to always always have dreams about her like every night and i think its cause i missed her and was just hurt by how i can be sooo close to someone and they just stop caring about me … but in your case i think hes on your mind alot and thats why hes in your dreams

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